What are the Characteristics of computer?


Characteristics of computer

The important characteristics of a computer are following:  👇

1.    Speed

The computer process data at very high speed. It is much faster than human beings. A computer can perform billions of calculation in seconds. Computer speed is measured in MAGA Hertz (MHz) or GEGA Hertz (GHz). For example, the process of 745 multiply 751 can take minutes if it is performed by human being. However, a computer can perform millions of calculations within seconds

2.   Reliability

The computer is very reliable. The electronic components of computer rarely break or fail. That is why it is very reliable because it’s all components are very good and they fail so rarely. One time purchased component of computer can be used for long time.

3.   Accuracy

The accuracy means that the computer provides result without any errors. computer can process large amount of data and produce result accurately. The result can be wrong if the given data is not correct. Suppose the average marks of a class is required. There is chance of mistake if the task is performed by human being. However, a computer can produce this result very quickly.


Computer can store a large amount of data permanently. People can use this data at any time. The user can store any type of data in computer. The storage capacity of computer is increase rapidly. A computer can store data in thousands of book easily.


Computer is a versatile machine. It can perfume different type of tasks. That is way it is use in every filled of life. Computer is used in homes hospitals offices and banks etc. A user can listen music watch movies dramas and he can use internet using computer.

6.   Consistency

Computer works in a consistent way. It does not lose connection due to heavy work. It does dose not tired or board. Computer does all jobs with equal attention.


Most of computer today have the capability of communication with other computers. We can connect two more computers by communication device such as modem. These computers can share data and information. The connected computers are called network. We can communicate with other people is the world with network like internet.


A computer can recall the stored data and information as when required. The data store in the computer can use it for later The computer can recall data in few second.

9.   Control sequence

A computer works sickly according to given instruction. It follows the same sequence of that is given to the computer.

10.                     COST OF REDUCTION

            We can perform a difficult task in less time and loss cost. For example, we may have to hair many people to handle office. The same work can be done by one person with the help of computer. It reduces the cost.

Article by: Mohsin Raza 

  1. Characteristics of a computer
  2. Computer features
  3. Computer components
  4. Computer hardware
  5. Computer software
  6. Computer functionality
  7. Computer architecture
  8. Computer processing
  9. Computer storage
  10. Computer input and output

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Mohsin Ali Raza

I'm Mohsin Raza and I'm proud to be a Pakistani.

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